
Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Last Assignment of A Great Class

The last assignment of my Introduction to Integrated Communications class is all about analytics. The assignment uses a real life data from a health-oriented company called ABC in the assignment. After 11 weeks of trying to keep up it is my time to shine just a bit, hopefully. If I have not mentioned already I have a penchant for all things analytics, analysis, and even numbers. My passion for numbers and their correlation to real life have often brought about a few sighs and snores. However it is my belief that the rapid growth of available data is giving us a deeper insight into the wants and needs of consumers. Now that I got my 2 cents in about how important data and analytics I can move on to the actual analysis.

Overall Synopsis
-          Over the last week ABC:
o   Grew the number of Fans but the growth was below the average growth of a typical business page
o   There was a dip in People Talking About this but it was similar to the trend shown in Facebook Insights for prior weeks and it not currently a cause for concern
o   The weekly total reach grew by 40%
o   Almost all of last week’s posts were text based
o   Text based posts do not outperform or underperform link based posts
o   The demographic split is 60% female/ 40% male
o   25-34 is the largest age segment with 18-44 accounting for the majority of people reached
o   While fans talking about the page has been trending down the viral reach has continually grown
o   The email newsletter has an average 25.4% open rate and a good 10.9 click rate.

Facebook Insights Overview


Unfortunately the data set provided only included the top level metrics from Facebook Insights and not the full page and post level exports. Some of the findings are general level correlations that do not necessarily identify causation. Additional knowledge of the business and Insights exports would support or refute some of the findings.

Findings for Facebook

1.       There is an inconsistency in the number of posts each day. At times there is one or two and others four or five. By reducing the number of posts and standardizing how many are posted each day the company could reduce the number of hours of man hours required to create them and post only the best content.

2.       There is a discrepancy in how viral a post is to the number of Engaged and Talking about this users. The reach greatly differs even when there is a similar number of users engaged. This can be in part due the number friends each fan has. On average each fan of the page has 387 friends, above the Facebook average. However there is a tendency for some users to have over a 1000 friends thus skewing the average. When one of these mega users engages with a post they may drastically influence Reach and account for the variance in the metrics.

3.       Commenting on the demographic breakdown is complicated without knowing more details about the exact type of health products the business is involved with. The 10% dominance of female’s fans on the page is nothing out of the ordinary but might present an opportunity to reach of to the male demographic.

4.       Although not specified in the assignment I can guess that the business is in Orlando given where from most of the people are reached. Celebration, Kissimme, and Davenport are all towns relatively close to Orlando and are some of the top most locations from which users visit the page. This is great since most of the people reached are in the vicinity of the business. It is a common misconception that a wide reach is great as this is not true for a local business. If the business does not sell their products online reaching someone in New York and Japan is worthless.

5.       There is a dedicated core of fans that visits the page more than 6 times. Considering that most of the growth for the page is Viral it likely that this core set of followers is responsible for the viral growth.

6.       The number of page views jump around quite a bit and don’t exactly correlate to the number of posts per day. This may show that posting more posts per day does not generate more views.

Reach Tab

Findings for Email Newsletter

1.       The number of people on the email list is over triple the number of fans. If someone gave up their email they will likely also follow the Facebook page.

2.       The open rate is about 5-10% below average for the health and fitness industry but has a great open rate of 10%. The open rate could be improved by varying the title of the email and running A/B tests to identify keywords and topics that increase open rates.

3.       There are no conversions from the clicks. It is unknown whether this is because of there is nothing to actually convert on or no one decided to buy anything.

4.       There was a small percentage of undeliverable emails which should be scrubbed from the list.

Email newsletter metrics
Suggested Improvements

The assignment information mentions that the business also runs a Twitter, Pinterest, and a YouTube account. However none of the channels appear on the external referrer’s link list. If the other channels also have several hundred followers they should be utilized to drive traffic to each other, including the Facebook page. The posts on each of the profiles should integrate posts from each of the other platforms to further this traffic in between platforms.

The Facebook page should focus on increasing its reach and followers through organic means instead of a few people sharing their posts. Although a high Virality is great it will follow if fans engage with the page, it is a tic for tac mechanism. This could be achieved through advertising, promotions, and giveaways. By holding Facebook specific promotions more people would be encouraged to visit and follow the page.

The email newsletter could promote the Facebook and other social media platforms. There are a few external refers from the emails to the Facebook page showing that the email has the social links but does not actively drive the users to the page. Highlighting the platform specific promotions would encourage additional growth in followers.

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