
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Blogs, Types of Blogs, and a Few Examples

Did you know there are multiple types of blogs? If yes, feel free to watch the funny cat’s video at the bottom of the post and skip everything else. If no, then read through this post. There are five general types of blogs, each with unique characteristics to them. Each of the five are listed below with an example of each. To better understand each blog I went over some of the specifics, strengths, and issues of each blog. Also, watch the cat video, it is hilarious.

NEWS BLOG – News blogs often look just like a regular online news site containing articles about the topic that the blog is dedicated to. Typically these blogs have multiple contributors and heavily utilize social media for propagation.


Business Insider is a great example of a news blog focusing on financial and business news. The blog provides a variety of information from news, to finance, to some entertainment content related to finance. The mix of the articles makes it a blog where you can both get your daily dose of news as well as waste time looking at inforgraphics or Instagram pictures from George Soros’s wedding. Business Insider is different from many other business news sites as it rarely publishes any type of analysis. Most of the articles focus on opinion pieces, highlights of companies and people, as well as business topics trending on social media.

The blog is updated frequently from multiple writers. The entire blog follows the same layout, graphics, and a clean, white background. The buttons are large and easy to navigate. Every page has social media buttons linking to all major social media platforms.  Every time you open an article the blog suggest more similar articles that you may like.

Business Insider does not appear on terms such as “business news” on the first page of either Google or Bing. Articles within the blog are very popular on social media, I have personally seen them on both my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Through the social media sharing buttons on top of each page allows each post to be easily shared. The blog gains a lot of its readership by closely following what is popular on social media and displaying it in the “Trending” column.

Business Insider overall does an excellent job of filling a specific niche in business news. By shying away from financial analysis and focusing on trending and interest pieces the blog is drawing a wide reading. This is validated by the advertising on the site from AMEX, Samsung, and other companies that advertise various products for small and medium sized businesses. The major glaring issue for Business Insider is SEO. By improving their rating on both Google and Bing the blog could greatly increase viewership.

PROFESSIONAL / SEMI-PROFESSIONAL BLOG – Professional blogs are usually very high standard, well-polished, post frequently and focus on the company’s news and features.  A semi – professional blog is only different in the amount of time and material being invested in the blog since there may be only one or a part time blogger.


The US Playstation (PS) blog is “where the people who create the PlayStation experience meet gamers and fans directly. Conversation here goes both ways..”. The blog is unique that it asks for PS users and others to interact with the blog authors both through social media and directly on the blog. The writers and employees at PS will often reply to comments within the blog despite the number of posts and comments each day.

Everything within the blog reflects the PS brand and its current advertising and media strategy. As the release of the new generation consoles grows closer PS has aggressively advertised the new PS4. The content on the blog reflects both news about the new PS4 as well as updates readers on older games and console versions. The blog utilizes the traditional PS color scheme as well as integrates the PS Plus network into the blog. The blog is advertised on the main PS webpage and the articles are commonly shared on social media by both users and other sites linking to the content.

The US PS blog is a great example of what a professional blog should look like. It fully integrates into the PS advertising efforts and strives to be as social as possible. The contributors on the blog engage the readers not only on the website but also on other social media platforms. The blog can be easily found if you search for PS and blog. It does not appear on the front page though if you just search for PS. The blog itself has no advertising but has links to other PS products and services that serve as a form of self-advertising.

RECREATIONAL BLOGS – Recreational blogs are the one man shows, somebody posting on their timeline (whenever they want) about a subject that they love. They typically are not created to make oney but occasionally can earn a bit. The provide opinions and instructions from the writers perspective.


Food Wishes with Chef John is probably the only small time blog that I personally follow. Chef John blogs about anything that is food related, often posting recipes and videos. There is no specific food theme but really anything goes. John also posts some of his recipes on other recipe sharing websites.

Food Wishes and Chef John has a unique style of “voice” on the blog. It is very rare that in any of his recipes you need unicorn tears or other rare ingredients that you run across sometimes on food blogs. Seriously, who keeps fennel pollen and coconut milk in their pantry? Chef John also infuses humor and personal stories through his posts and videos that make each post both informational and humorous.

Over the past few years Food Wishes has won several awards as a food blog that drives a lot of the traffic to the blog. Chef John has also posted his recipes on many other websites such as, however on most of those websites there is no direct link back to his blog. If you search his name he is one of the top search results, for a food blog search Food Wishes is a few pages back. Also the front page lacks any social media or sharing buttons that hinders the blogs ability to become more popular. Since the blog is hosted on BlogSpot the archiving system on the front page is confusing.

AGGREGATOR / LINK SHARING BLOGS – Aggregator and link sharing blogs are relatively new. One of the biggest aggregator platform that you may have heard of is Tumblr. These blogs rarely have original material but instead list links, pictures, and videos to other content. There are companies that are posting on these blogs with original content linked back to the company’s website.


The TJ Maxx Tumblr blog is a great example of both an aggregator blog as well as a company’s blog that is taking advantage of this new blog medium. Unlike many of the other aggregator blogs most of the posts on TJ Maxx’s blog is new and original content. Just like other aggregator blogs this blog does not post anything lengthy as all posts are pictures with a short one or two sentence description. All posts reflect the TJ Maxx brand of shopping for less and still being able to buy trendy clothes.

The blog itself is integrated with the banding efforts by TJ Maxx. The colors remain constant between commercials, the TJ Maxx website, and the blog. Words that are associated with TJ Maxx such as “maxxinista” are utilized on the website.

One of the issues with aggregator blogs is the search rating of the blog. If you directly search for the TJ Maxx blog the Tumblr page is found on the first page of search. If you simply search for TJ Maxx then the blog is relegated to the third page.

The blog itself is overall very well rounded. It has multiple tabs that are devoted to either fashionable outfits put together by TJ Maxx designers, user submissions, or new arrivals at TJ Maxx. There are links to all social media platforms utilized by the company. Since this is a brand blog there is no advertising, but there is advertising on some aggregator blogs.

GROUP BLOGS – Group blogs are blogs that have multiple contributors. They function as a place for many authors to blog and provide content about a topic. They can be for fun or revenue producing blogs.


Twenties Hacker deals with everything that an average may be concerned with. There is a set core of writers that submit articles to the blog and several that guest blog. The blog offers advice from food, to career, to travel. Are you thinking of quitting your job? There is a blog post about that. The blog provides others experiences of others about issues that someone out of college may be struggling with or trying to make decisions about.

The blog is not very well known. In part this is due to the sporadic posting schedule. Despite the multiple bloggers you may get five posts one week and two the next. This sets the blog back in search results and how much social media exposure it receives. There are social media buttons prominently displayed and many of the articles have more social media exposure than the website itself.

Bonus Cat Video

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